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I came across a page seized by SpaceProtect, what does this mean?

SpaceProtect is a company that specializes in detecting and preventing cybercrime, including malware, fraud, and ransomware. If a page has been seized by them, it means that the page has been blocked from public access due to suspicions of malicious activity.

It is possible that the company took this action as part of its efforts to protect its clients from DDoS attacks or to prevent the distribution of DDoS-for-hire services. DDoS attacks are a type of cyber attack that involves overwhelming a targeted website or server with traffic in order to disrupt access to it. These attacks are illegal in many countries, and offering DDoS-for-hire services is generally considered to be a criminal act. If you have specific questions about the seizure of a particular domain, it would be best to contact the company that took the action or seek legal advice.